Sunday, March 10, 2013

Artist Study 4: Nico Delort

Artist Study 4: Nico Delort
Since Nico Delort didn’t answer all of my questions this martist study may be jsut a bit all over the place. Starting right into it, Nice was very lucky stability wise at the beginning of his career. His parents financial support and all the freelance work he could manage kept him afloat in his early year until he became more established.He notes that he was unable to turn down work no matter how soul crushing it may have been. Luckily he has reached a point where he doesn’t have to chose between a terrible project and putting food on the table. This has allowed him to move away from generic art and help establish his own style which has proven to be successful all on its own. Unlike some other artists I have talked to who recommend a very strict schedule, Nico tends to live life day by day: Each night he writes down goals for the next day, making sure to squeeze in some free time for reading or taking care of his dogs. When he wakes up he gets started and depending on the number of goals, some days can be more fun than others. Since this is starting to sound like a match dot com and, I might as well throw in that he likes the long walks on the beach,the sunset and playing instruments (that last one wasn’t a joke). As for getting your art “out there and recognized,” he recommends choosing several social networking sites and going from there. Even though consistent styles and regular updating sound fairly helpful, I feel like it may be too good to be true. Networking sites are a fine way to kind of throw your work in peoples faces, it seems like you must be very lucky and very talented to get many results and that selling work is a whole other story, but hey, I’m not the professional artist in the room so what do I know? Nico seems to stray from the path that other artists have taken once more, explaining that he doesn’t have much of a network of artist friends but does run into the same people now and again at shows and openings. Finally, Nicos advice is to never give up on your work and to keep improving!
This artist study was a really nice and refreshing one to do. I haven’t talked to  a whole lot of artists and have only read bits and pieces of interviews that I have not yet written a study on but from what I’ve heard so far, Nico’s answers seem to be a bit, I don’t want to say less professional, but less rigid or, developed than the other artists I have encountered. I guess it only goes to show that there are many different styles and ways of doing things.
As for rating Nico’s work, I would give him five stars. I really enjoy his style and the detail that he uses makes each work seem more important: I mean its obvious that he spent many many hours on each piece whereas with some artists it is not so clear. He also makes it obvious in his work that he has a strong skill base and a very firm grasp on composition and has settled into a fascinating technique.

Although Nico didn’t answer all of my questions, more of his answers and interviews can be found here:

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