Saturday, July 27, 2013

Artist Study: Benoit Godde
This week’s runner up, BENOIT GODDE EVERYBODY! A french illustration-ist, with bad english! Yay! Benoit has been interested in art since he was seventeen (woohoo! someone who hasn’t known their whole live what they want to do!). He went to a “really good school in paris” but started off drawing on his desk instead of paying attention like the rest of us freaks. He admits that he has not yet found his best media but enjoys working with photoshop and says that as long as you work a lot and enjoy the work you’re doing, it’s not really work. He didn’t recommend anything for someone interested in art to work on because he doesn’t consider himself an artist because he only works to eat, not to express himself. He has been lucky enough to have not delt with issues of instability (was there a worst way I could’ve put that?) because he is a hard worker and plans to stay like that. His simple advice is to work a lot and not be lazy. After he graduated he found work as soon as he could and has been working ever since. Inspiration wise, he mentions that many things inspire him but the special part is when you take all those things that you like and create something that is a blend... something new! When he got to college he lacked experience so he just stuck with the classes he was given and he loved it. Many of his ideas come from his childhood and where he lives in Paris. Unfortunately, he only uses photoshop and therefore doesn’t have many good tips on where to get quality supplies.
As an artist, I would give Benoit three stars. He doesn’t consider himself as an artist and doesn’t seem like the striving perfectionist, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” kind of people, which, for the record, I totally respect. I really enjoy his style and wish that he was more of a painter/ illustrator (mostly because it would mean more fancy art for me to look at). I also found him really easy to connect with: I don’t know if it’s the broken english or because he is closer to my skill level than some of the other crazy “professional artists” but I really enjoy him as a person too. Until next week, that’s all folks!

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