Saturday, July 27, 2013

Artist Study: Orlando sanchez
Since Orlando could only answer one question of my choosing, this artist study will be indefinitely shorter than some of my other two paged rants. He notified me that he already spends more time promoting and emailing than actually drawing and would prefer to spend a quality amount of time on one question rather than only touching on all of them. I chose the most general and direct question of the bunch being,  "what would you recommend to someone interested in art to develop their skills and assert themselves as an artist?" Pretty solid right? Orlando directed me to a youtube TED Talk video titled:” Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes.” After watching this the first time the only thing i took away from this was, how old is this video and why does this Richard guy sound so annoying? Luckily I watched it several more times and focused on the content instead of the speaker. Richard points out eight words that are necessary for success; Passion, Work, Focus, Persist, Ideas, Skill, Push,and Serve. Orlando notes that these have been very important goals of his and that patience is another skill needed because success doesn’t happen overnight. I am a little bit disappointed that Orlando did give me much more than that in his email. I understand that we are all busy and there are very few people who would rather answer emails than doing the thing they love, but what he wrote seemed like just a regurgitated version of this three minute TED Talk. I don’t care how short his answer would’ve been as long as it is coming from the actual artist I am emailing.
Although Orlando isn’t my favorite person right now, I give his art five stars. I absolutely love his pen/ink/ marker whatever work and don’t even get me started on the sketchbook! Orlando uses very interactive and complementary colors in his paintings. I also appreciate his process of using models right in front of him and still managing to spice it up with the movement and color of his work. Adieu until next time!  

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